Magento 1.x Security Patch Notice
For Magento Open Source 1.5 to 1.9, Magento is providing software security patches through June 2020 to ensure those sites remain secure and compliant. Visit our information page for more details about our software maintenance policy and other considerations for your business.
System > Configuration > Sales > Tax
Field Descriptions Field
Tax Class for Shipping
Identifies the tax class that is used for shipping. Options include all available product tax classes:
Taxable Goods
Tax Exempt
Tax Class for Gift Options
Identifies the tax class that is used for gift options. Options include all available product tax classes:
Taxable Goods
Tax Exempt
Field Descriptions Field
Tax Calculation Method Based On
Determines whether the tax is based on the unit price of the product, line item total, accounting for any discounts, or total. Options:
Unit Price
Row Total
Tax Calculation Based On
Determines if the tax calculation is based on the shipping address, billing address, or the shipping origin. Options:
Shipping Address
Billing Address
Shipping Origin
Catalog Prices
Determines if catalog prices include or exclude tax. Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Shipping Prices
Determines in shipping prices include or exclude tax. Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Apply Customer Tax
Determines if tax is applied before, or after a discount. Options:
Before Discount
After Discount
Apply Discount on Prices
Determines if discount prices include or exclude tax. Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Apply Tax On
Determines if the tax applies to the original price, or to a custom price, if available. Options:
Custom price if available
Original price only
Enable Cross Border Trade
When enabled, applies consistent pricing across borders of regions with different tax rates. Options: Yes / No
Using cross-border trade adjusts the profit margin by tax rate.
Field Descriptions Field
Default Country
Store View
Determines the country upon which tax calculations are based. Options: All countries
Default State
Store View
Determines the state upon which tax calculations are based. An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard to indicate all states within the selected country. Options include: All states in selected country
Default Post Code
Store View
Identifies the postal code or ZIP code upon which tax calculations are based. An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard to indicate all postal codes within the selected state.
Field Descriptions Field
Display Product Prices in Catalog
Store View
Determines if product prices published in the catalog include or exclude tax, or show two versions of the price; one with, and the other without tax.
Options include:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
If you set the Display Product Prices field to “Including Tax,” the tax appears only if there is a tax rule that matches the tax origin, or if there is a customer address that matches the tax rule. Events that can trigger a match include customer account creation, login, or the use of the Tax and Shipping estimation tool in the shopping cart.
Display Shipping Prices
Store View
Determines if shipping prices include or exclude tax, or show two versions of the shipping price; one with, and the other without tax. Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
Field Descriptions Field
Display Prices
Store View
Determines if shopping cart prices include or exclude tax, or show two versions of the price; one with, and the other without tax. Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
Display Subtotal
Store View
Determines if the shopping cart subtotal includes or excludes tax, or shows two versions of the subtotal; one with, and the other without tax. Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
Display Shipping Amount
Store View
Determines if the shopping cart shipping amount includes or excludes tax, or shows two versions of the shipping amount; one with, and the other without tax. Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
Include Tax in Grand Total
Store View
Determines if tax is included in the shopping cart grand total. Options: Yes / No
Display Full Tax Summary
Store View
Determines if the shopping cart includes a full tax summary. Options: Yes / No
Display Zero Tax Subtotal
Store View
Determines if the shopping cart includes a tax subtotal when the tax is zero. Options: Yes / No
Field Descriptions Field
Display Prices
Store View
Determines if the prices on sales documents include or exclude tax, or if each document shows two versions of the price; one with, and the other without tax. Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
Display Subtotal
Store View
Determines if the subtotal on sales documents includes or excludes tax, or if each document shows two versions of the subtotal; one with, and the other without tax. Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
Display Shipping Amount
Store View
Determines if the shipping amount on sales documents includes or excludes tax, or if each document shows two versions of the subtotal; one with, and the other without tax.Options:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
Include Tax in Grand Total
Store View
Determines if the grand total on sales documents includes tax. Options: Yes / No
Display Full Tax Summary
Store View
Determines if the full tax summary appears on sales documents. Options: Yes / No
Display Zero Tax Subtotal
Store View
Determines of the subtotal section on sales documents appears when no tax is charged. Options: Yes / No