Magento Open Source, 1.9.x

Magento 1.x Security Patch Notice
For Magento Open Source 1.5 to 1.9, Magento is providing software security patches through June 2020 to ensure those sites remain secure and compliant. Visit our information page for more details about our software maintenance policy and other considerations for your business.

Customer Account Scope

The scope of customer accounts can be limited to the website where the account was created, or shared with all websites and stores in the store hierarchy.

To set the scope of customer accounts:

1. On the Admin menu, select System > Configuration.
2. In the panel on the left, under Customers, select Customer Configuration.
3. Click to expand the Account Sharing Options section.
4. Set Share Customer Accounts to one of the following:
  • Global

    To share customer account information with every website and store in the Magento installation.

    Per Website

    To limit customer account information to the website where the account was created.

5. When complete, click the Save Config button.