Preparing Your Email Logo
To ensure that your logo renders well on high-resolution devices, the uploaded image should be at least twice the size of the dimensions that are specified in the header template. Be careful to preserve the aspect ratioThe proportional relationship between the width and height of an image. of the logo, so the height and width resize proportionally.
Logo with Transparent Background
Supported File Formats
Logos can be saved as any of the following file types. Logos with transparent backgrounds can be saved as either .GIF or .PNG files.
Image Size
To make the most of the limited vertical space in the header, the logo should be cropped to eliminate any wasted space above or below the image. As a general rule, you can make an image smaller than the original, but not larger without losing resolution. If possible, the original artwork should be at least as large as the uploaded file. Taking a small image and doubling its size in a photo editor does not improve the resolution.
For example, in the default header template, the display dimensions of the logo are 168 pixels wide by 48 pixels high. To increase the resolution of the image, the image that is uploaded must be at least twice the size.
Logo Dimensions
1 x
(display size)2 x
(image size)2.5 x
(image size)Width:
168 px
336 px
420 px
48 px
96 px
120 px
If the original artwork was created as a vector, rather than a bitmap, it can be scaled up or down to the dimensions needed without losing resolution. The image can then be saved in one of the supported bitmap image formats. If the original logo artwork is a bitmap, the original should be at least twice the display size.